Tuesday, December 18, 2007



Glass etching is the application of lettering, monograms or

designs on glass. this little known business can be started in

a garage or shop and work into something really lucrative.

Glass etching is accomplished by covering the glass with a

pattern, then, with the aid of a special machine, blowing

"sand" against the surface.

Wherever the glass is not protected, it becomes "etched"

as the sand repeatedly strikes and "pits" the surface.

This procedure contrasts with the old metal etching

techniques where the surface was covered with wax

or resin, a design scratched into it and the material

immersed into acid.

Examples of etched glass products are monogrammed

glassware, key chains, lettered windows, designed mirrors

and numbers or letters applied as identification marks.

Most glass etching today is by the sandblasting method.

Two other methods, acid cream and engraving will also be


In the sandblasting method, a special type of sand is held

in a funnel-like holder where a blast of air is forced through it

creates a miniature sandstorm.

It works something like a bingo machine. The area to be

etched is covered with a stencil made of a material like masking

tape in which the design has been cut out.

When the sand if blown against the piece, the masking tape

protects areas that are to stay smooth and allows the sand to pit the

glass through the stencil openings. When the stencil is removed the

etched design remains.

You can buy ready-made etching stencil designs and letter

stencils or cut out your own. Gift and hardware stores are

prospective wholesale customers for the etched glassware.

A sandblasting machine, some glass, a stencil and a good

working area plus some practice is what you need to get started.

The equipment should not be set up inside the house because

there is usually a good deal of dust. Unless you are familiar

with sandblasting, contact several suppliers to get the best

deal equipment and supplies. Then, try your hand at etching

some inexpensive items until you learn to produce quality products.

Save some of your better pieces for samples, some of which

can be given to retailers if you do wholesale work.

Another form of glass etching is actually engraving - where the

operator imprints the pattern or design on glass with a high speed

drill and a fine, hardened steel bit.

The drill can either be used freehand, with the aid of a stencil guide,

or to trace over an applied design. The latter technique allows the

application of very intricate designs, which can be quite ornate

when the engraver has artistic talents.

The glass etching technique is becoming popular in the auto

industry, where designs are etched into the glass to beautify and


One very promising use is engraving the engine or frame

number or owner's driver license number on both the front and back

windshields as a police identification tool.

Thieves don't like to steal these vehicles because they

must replace the glass! This operation alone may become a

good business in some areas. One company (Paragrave -- see

Business Sources) has developed a rotary drill based on dentist

equipment that is specifically designed for this application.

Acid etching is the old fashioned way and is now considered

more of an artist's medium -- even though it can be used for virtually

any application. It is generally slower and a little more dangerous

because of the corrosive chemicals.

Generally, the glass surface is covered with wax or resin and

the design traced or scratched on with a stylus. The procedure

is a little like carving a linoleum block. Once the design is

finished, creamed (to prevent running) acid is applied and

left for the prescribed time.

When ready, the acid is wiped off (carefully, to avoid damage

to the rest of the design surrounding or applicator). Even though

acid etching has disadvantages, it can produce striking

results in detail and very interesting effects.

Most custom glass etching is priced on a letter or design basis

-- how many and what size letters are to be applied, plus the

number of pieces.

Whether the letter is sandblasted, engraved, or acidized,

it takes more time and materials to do big letter than a small.

In a shop you would have a few samples of available

alphabets and logos, plus catalogs of additional patterns that

could be ordered. Custom stencils would of course, be

extra whether you made them or special ordered them from

companies that support the industry.

It is also possible (smart, too!) to make up items to sell. These

can be done in your spare time at first when you have time

between custom jobs and wholesale orders.

Shop around for ordinary items like mirrors, drinking glasses and

door windows and inscribe interesting designs on them -- like the

school or town logo, or something of local interest.

You will soon learn to be on the lookout for both new ideas of what

to etch and for bargain glass items that you can decorate. In Texas,

a rearview mirror with a small armadillo might sell; in Missouri, try a

kicking mule on a glass goblet ( you get the idea)!

Once you have learned the techniques, you might work with a store

or two to produce custom etched glassware. This would help

provide the volume for practice, yet not require you to do a perfect

job on a $100 glass vase.

When you feel you are ready, place ads to etch, monogram or

apply designs to fine glassware --both new and pieces already

owned. Use your imagination in your ads. Give potential customers

something to think about. Have monthly specials: your license

number on front and back windshields - $29.95 this month; a small

logo on eyeglasses for $5 and up next month.

These specials will illustrate the various types of work you can

do and perhaps stimulate potential customers to think of something

they would like to have etched. Other areas to mention in specials

might be holiday motifs, family coats of arms, company logos, etc.

In addition to being careful about dust and acid (if you use that

medium), be especially careful to get the correct wording on the

ticket and on the glass. A mistake on either means you have just

etched a piece of junk.

On phone orders, repeat the copy back slowly and use phonetics

for any possible mistakes.

On written orders have the customer check and initial the desired

copy. You will certainly have to "eat" some mistakes -- but glass is

not good for you, so try to hold them to a minimum!



Box 1666, Jupiter, FL

33548, 305/746-3984.

Sandblasting equipment and supplies.


2620-8 Tyler Blvd.,Mentor,

OH 44060, 216/951-1412.

Sandblasting equipment and supplies.


Box 3512, Alliance, OH

44601, 216/821-0654.

Sandblasting equipment and supplies; also hot stamp dies.


Box 3485, Toledo,

OH 43607, 419/531-2609.

Sandblasting masks (stencils),letters, monograms, logos, etc.


Box 646, Canfield, OH 44406,


Sandblasting equipment and supplies.


Box 2147, Clifton,

NJ 07023, 210/779-1600.

Publishes GLASS,, CHINA, TABLEWARE, trade magazine for

glass giftware dealers.


Box 4072, Fullerton,

CA 92631.

Offers business in etched glassware sales (alternate supplier?).


Box 2065, Hanover,

MA 02339.

Glass working tools and supplies. Free catalog.


155 West Center, Orem,

UT 84058, 800/624-7415.

Offers "engraving" business as low as $65 per month. (High speed

drill and patterns).


3517 Wendover Ave.,Greensboro,

NC 27407, 800/222-2600, ext 166.

Portable Etch-Master equipment to monogram fine glassware.


, 100 Scheleter Rd.,Lincolnshire,

IL 60917-4700, 312-634-4800.

Office supplies.


500 Main St.,Groten, MA 04171,


Office supplies.


Box 761, Meridan, TX 7665.

Letterhead: 400 plus 200 envelopes - $18.


Box 29, Mooresville,

NC 28115.

Rubber stamps.


Box 581, Libertyville,

Il 60048-2556.

Business cards (raised print - $11.50 per K) and letterhead

stationery. Will print your copy ready logo or design, even whole



Drake Bldg.,Colorado Springs, CO 80940. Short run business

cards (250 - $3, stationery, etc. Good quality, but no choice of ink or


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