Tuesday, December 18, 2007




8 tsp. powered paint

1 tsp. white glue

2 tbsp. liquid starch

3 drops oil of cloves (obtainable from any drug store)


Recipe 1

Mix a few drops of food coloring to a small amount of liquid starch.

Recipe 2

Mix egg yolk, dry detergent and food coloring. May be used on

glass, foil or shiny paper.


Recipe 1

Mix 1 1/2 cups starch with enough cold water to make a paste.

Slowly add 4 cups boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook until

clear, avoiding too hot a fire. While still warm, stir in 1 1/2 cups

soapflakes. Add 2 tablespoons glycerine. Add food coloring to

portion which will be used immediately and store the remainder in

the refrigerator in a covered jar.

These paints work best on glazed paper such as shelf paper.

Recipe 2

In a double boiler, mix 1 cup cornstarch (or laundry starch) with

enough cold water to form a smooth, thin paste. Add 1 cup flaked

soap chips and 1/2 cup salt (which acts like preservative). Add 1

quart water and cook until thick (increase amount of water if

necessary). Beat with an egg beater, and place mixture in empty

baby food jars, adding food coloring to each jar.

One teaspoon glycerine makes mixture more pliable and easier on

the hands. Vanilla or oil of cloves can be added to mixture to create

a nice smell.

Recipe 3 (no cook)

Mix 6 tablespoon dry laundry starch with just enough cold water to

make mixture liquid and smooth. Pour this mixture slowly into 1

quart boiling water, stirring well until thick. Add a drop of oil of

cloves and mix again. Divide into portions (a muffin pan is a good

holder) and add food coloring.


Mix together gently:

4 cups water

12 teaspoons glycerine

8 teaspoons liquid tincture of green soap (available from drugstore

but as a substitute, grate or grind very pure toilet soap and use 8

teaspoons of the resulting powder)

Let liquid stand for 24 hours before using.


2 parts Elmers' Glue-All

1 part liquid starch

Gradually pour starch into glue and mix. If mixture is sticky, add

more starch. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Note: This silly putty can be cut with scissors or be pulled or



Recipe 1

Mix together

2 /12 cups flour

1 cup water

1 cup salt

Food coloring, optional

Store in refrigerator.

Recipe 2

Mix and cook over low heat until mixture thickens:

1 cup salt

1 cup water

1 cup flour Food coloring, optional

Cool before using

Recipe 3

Combine over low heat, stirring constantly until mixture becomes

stiff and comes away from sides of pot:

1 cup salt

2 cups flour

2 cups water

4 tablespoons oil

4 tablespoons cream of tartar

Food coloring

Store in a closed container or plastic bag.

Recipe 4


1 cup cornstarch

1 1/2cups cold water

2 cups bicarbonate of soda

Food coloring

Heat over medium fire, stirring constantly until mixture is doughlike.

Cool, covered with a damp cloth. Coat finished with a shellac to

seal and preserve.

Recipe 5- VICTORIAN SALT CLAY (can be used to make beads

for necklaces)

Mix 2 cups salt and 2/3 cup water in a pan. Stirring constantly, heat

over a low flame for about 4 minutes (Do not boil). Remove from

heat. Quickly mix 1 cup cornstarch and 1/2 cup cold water

together and add this combination into heated mixture. Stir and mix

quickly. If resulting mixture is not a thick paste, place back on low

heat and stir for about a minute until mixture is doughlike.

Treat like bread dough - knead on flat surface until dough is a

smooth and pliable mass. Can be stored in plastic or foil and kept

in an airtight container.

Color can be added when dough is being cooked or when being

kneaded, or modeled objects can be painted when dry.

It takes 2 days for a modelled object to dry at room temperature.

For quicker results, preheat oven to 350 degrees F, and then turn

the oven off. Place the model in the oven, preferably on a wire rack,

and leave inside until the oven has cooled off.

For a finishing touch, smooth dry models by rubbing gently with

sandpaper or an emery board.

To make beads for a necklace, punch holes with a toothpick while

the clay is still pliable. You can also string the beads through a thin

wire, letting them dry on the wire itself.

Clay can also be rolled out like cookie dough and cut with a cookie



1 tsp. fuller's earth (available from drugstore) 1 tsp. plain yogurt

1 tsp. water

A few drops of food coloring

Lightly apply to face, avoiding areas around moth and eyes. (Use

lipstick and/or eyeshadow for these areas).

Make-up will wash off with water.

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